If you want great wedding photos…
We all know planning a wedding can be costly and one of the biggest expenses you will most likely incur is with your photographer. In my opinion, the outlay of funds is well worth it. The work she will produce on your big day will live on for many years and truly is the only tangible thing you will have to remember this very special event by.
So what can you do to make the most of your photography investment? You may think in order to have spectacular photos you’ll need to have your wedding in a super-fancy venue or spend an exorbitant amount of money on a designer gown and elaborate table settings. While these elements are the proverbial icing on the cake, the single most important thing you can do won’t put even the tiniest dent in your budget. If you want to maximize your investment and insure that you’ll get the best work from your photographer, then the best thing you can give her, is time.
Any photographer worth her salt, will lay out a shooting schedule with the bride well in advance of the wedding. Trust that these time allotments are in place for a reason. Yes, to a first time bride, an hour devoted to just getting into the bridal gown may seem excessive but what your photographer has done is not only set aside time for the act of dressing, (which by the way, always takes way longer than most people think it will) but she’s also allowing for the wonderfully serendipitous photogenic occasions that occur if everyone is not rushed and running around frantically.
Moments such as a spontaneous toast amongst bridesmaids or the emotional exchange when Dad pops into the dressing room and sees his little girl in her gown for the first time make for the classic images that you, the bride will always treasure and photos such as these won’t ever materialize unless there is sufficient time for them to occur.
I could go on and on with one example after another but I think you get my point. Yes, your photographer recommending you be photo-ready two or three hours prior to the ceremony may seem like a hassle, but consider this; you’ve spend countless hours planning your wedding and choosing the right artist to document your day. Why would you tie her hands by denying her the one resource she needs most?