We are so excited to have two of our images featured in Modern Luxury magazine! This is a great source of information and inspiration for anyone planning a wedding. Here is the link to the digital edition.

I’m using this blog post to officially declare Independence Day my favorite holiday!
I’ve tried to love Thanksgiving (too much time spent in a hot kitchen) or Christmas (too much worrying about buying the right presents) and New Year’s is actually the only holiday I fervently dislike. The 4th of July however is completely perfect.
Think about it, it’s the only major holiday where shorts and flip flops are entirely appropriate. Try showing up for Easter mass or Mother’s Day brunch in that get-up and you’ll see what I mean. It occurs when most of the country has perfect weather and the only cooking required is throwing some burgers on the grill and mixing up some margaritas. Plus, you can’t beat a fireworks show for entertainment value!
On top of all that, the day honors a country that I adore and that has been so good to me and my family. So with my official declaration in hand, I hope you too have a wonderful Independence Day!