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Best friends…

Best friends come in all sizes.

The greatest distance can be bridged…

“In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged.”
– Hans Nouwens

A place to retreat to…

Do you have a place you retreat to? A place where those unanswered emails don’t exist? Where stillness is mandatory and nature takes center stage? I’m so lucky to have a home close to the beach. Within minutes, I can feel sea mist on my skin and sand between my toes. Maybe it’s because I was born on an island, but the ocean has always drawn me in. On my last beach walk, I found this pile of artfully arranged stones – it reminded me of an altar, which I suppose is fitting since I find this environment quite divine.


Wishing you a “love”ly Valentine’s Day. I hope it’s sweet and filled with kisses!

How do you see?

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
~Elliot Erwitt

How to choose…

What makes a bride choose the gown she will wear on her wedding day? With an almost infinite selection out there, how does one decide?

I remember picking out my gown like it was yesterday. I went into a bridal salon with very specific ideas in mind – I didn’t want anything too poofy, or ornate, just something simple, and elegant. The Christian Dior gown I ended up choosing (after about 10 minutes I might add) was anything but. Yes, it was very beautiful and elegant, but simple…not so much. First of all, it must have weighed about 60 pounds. Layer upon layer of intricate lace covered every inch – from bodice to hem, and large ribbon camellias nestled along the bustle in seashell pink bows, one of which was literally the size of my face. But no matter, I fell hard for this couture confection and nothing was going to stop me from walking down the aisle in it.

What exactly got my heart racing? I couldn’t tell you – just like I couldn’t tell you how I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my days with Larry. Suffice it to say, when it’s right, you don’t question it and just like with love, any preconceived notions you have going in, usually end up biting you on your bow- covered butt.

What made you choose your wedding gown? I’d love to hear all about it.

A visit from Miles

When Miles and his Mom came by to pick up their prints, I couldn’t resist taking a few snaps of him on our couch. While Mom, checked out the photos, her little super model worked the camera!

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