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Featured on Seasonal Wisdom

I’m doing my very first ever guest blogger post on Seasonal Wisdom today! If you haven’t already heard of it, Seasonal Wisdom is a gorgeous blog written by Teresa O’Connor. Teresa writes beautifully about gardening, food and folklore. She’s also a wonderful photographer!

She knows I’m an avid home baker and asked if I would bake and decorate a cake for her readers. Please head on over to Seasonal Wisdom to see how easy it is to make this wintery, whimsical cake. But be sure to check back here tomorrow, I’ll be sharing another simple, yummy recipe for a dessert made with items you most likely have in your pantry right now.

A wish for the new year…

May the new year bring you lots of happiness!


It was so nice meeting little Kasra. He really seemed to enjoy being at the park. As soon as his parents took him out of the car, he was smiling from ear to ear. Maybe it was the crisp weather, or the quacking of the nearby ducks – it could even have been Larry’s theatrics behind the camera that had him in stitches; Whatever the reason, Kasra’s adorable smile was utterly infectious. Have you ever seen a more endearing grin? We are so thankful to Janet and Nishad for introducing us to their new little boy.

A sweet gift…

I hope all of you had a warm wonderful Christmas. I just had to show you one of my favorite gifts that I received this year. My friend Kathy gave me this beautiful antique pair of tongs wrapped in this delicate handkerchief. I have a feeling you’ll be seeing these lovely things pop up from time to time in my posts. Aren’t they a gorgeous addition to the prop collection?

Thanks again Kathy!

A holiday wish…

Happy Holidays everyone! We hope the New Year brings you all lots of peace, love and joy.

Sweet baby cheeks

I love baby cheeks! And Miles has some of the cutest ones I’ve seen. He was looking pretty dapper for his first official photo shoot. Take a look at the video slide show below to see how he steals the show at every turn!

Not even a crashing wave…

Not even a crashing wave could stop Rod from expressing his love for his bride-to-be!

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