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Na Aina Kai Botanical Gardens, Kauai

Have you ever heard of Na Aina Kai Botanical Gardens? Neither had we, so we were delighted to discover this incredibly pretty place when we traveled to Kauai to photograph Rod and Heidi’s wedding.

The day before the big event, the newly weds to-be slipped away from family and friends to do this photo session with us. Rod and Heidi rented out the entire 240 acres just for this shoot and it was amazing to have the entire place to ourselves.

We ended the day on a lovely private beach where many wedding ceremonies take place. If any of you reading this are looking for an unusual but stunning location for your destination wedding, you should definitely contact the folks at Na Aina Kai.

Come back tomorrow for some more adorable shots of Heidi and Rod.


Together, there isn’t anything you can’t do.

A day in the park

The air was crisp and golden leaves lay at our feet. It was the perfect day for a photo shoot with our dear friends Sylvia and Victor and their adorable daughters Chloe and Gabby.

Even though the girls looked so precious in their pretty dresses, they were still up for scampering around trees and throwing leaves. They looked like two wood sprites from a fairy tale.

If you’d like to see images from our last shoot with this gorgeous family, click here.

Lakes and rivers…

“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.”
~John Lubbock

Wishing you all a bountiful Thanksgiving

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it”
~William Arthur Ward

Big in Japan

Here he was minding his own business – trying to finish up a photo shoot when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, this mob of girls swarms little Lincoln!

One minute he and his parents were smiling for our cameras and the next we were shoved out of the way by this bevy of girls clearly overcome by his cuteness. They kept shouting, “Oh, so cute!” and “We love you Lincoln!” He took it all in stride though, waving and smiling for them. When we started our portrait session that afternoon, we had no idea he’d be so big in Japan by day’s end.

South of France?

No, the Bruno family did not fly us to the south of France for this photo session. Beverly Hills was the setting for this really fun shoot.
Everyone looked so dapper in their tailored black outfits and Lincoln had a blast tooling around on his vintage inspired car. He even caused a commotion amongst some very cute female tourist but you’ll have to check back tomorrow for the details on that!

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