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Ruby Beach

Whenever I’m trudging along on vacation dragging my 4×5” camera and tripod, there will invariably be a point where I’ll ask myself, “why can’t you leave the cameras at home and just enjoy yourself like a normal person”? I have to admit there have been many occasions when carrying this rather cumbersome load has been not only an exercise of my forearms but also of futility. But on this day, the long hike from the parking lot down to Ruby Beach proved to be fruitful.

It had been raining since we arrived in Washington but we decided to not let bad weather stop us from exploring the coast. Just as we reached the shore, the rain stopped and the clouds started to dance for us. There is no time more magical than the moment between the end of a storm and the coming of the sun. Every time I look at the series of photographs I made that afternoon, I am immediately transported back.

On those occasions when I consider leaving my cameras at home, I’ll think back on days like this, pack up all the gear and trudge on.

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