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Gift Registry Etiquette

We have had a photographic gift registry in place in our studio for over a decade and over the years we have been asked many times about various etiquette issues pertaining to the registry. I thought it might be helpful to do a post about this subject. I did a little research online and would like to share what I found on Giftypedia.

The old saying, “you can’t please everyone,” fits the scenario of gift registry etiquette. If you are still wavering on whether or not to use a gift registry, below are some hints to help you stay within the guidelines of gift registry etiquette and avoid becoming the offending party:

~ Limit yourself to two stores when registering so your guests won’t have to go store to store when deciding on a gift. Consider an online registry where gifts from different stores can be shown on one registry and purchased online for your giver’s shopping convenience.
~ Don’t register at stores that do not sell products that relate to your occasion. A bridal registry should be limited to stores that sell household items, whereas a birthday registry can include any store that reflects the person’s interests.
~ Don’t register for everything you may possibly ever want – stick to the basics that make sense for the present.
~ Keep in mind that the registry is a list of suggestions. Don’t expect your guests to use the registry, as some may prefer to give something that they think you will like.
~ Don’t include gift registry information in your invitation. Even though gifts may be expected, including them in your invitation appears demanding.
~ If you are already established and creating a wedding registry, avoid registering for overly extravagant items because you already have the basics.
~ If choosing a gift from a gift registry, consider adding a little something extra to go along with the gift that reflects your relationship to the recipient.
Deciding whether or not to use a gift registry may depend on the situation. For a close friend, you may opt for a more personal gift, whereas for an acquaintance, a gift registry may be a godsend. Remember, no one is required to use a gift registry or even give a gift for that matter. If you are one who takes pride in finding the perfect gift, a gift registry can be used for ideas and inspiration without having to purchase from the list. And, if you have an idea for a gift that you think the recipient would truly love, go for it! Never feel obligated to purchase from a registry – it has been created for your convenience if you desire to use it.

If you would like to register with us for your next big event click on the link below.

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