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Wherever you go…

I will gladly follow.

4th of July

The 4th of July was a big deal to my family growing up. We became U.S. citizens when I was in the sixth grade and our newly conferred status was not taken lightly. While our Portuguese heritage was ever present in our household, our newly adopted country permeated many aspects of our lives. For example, my father only bought American cars and English was slowly but surely replacing our native language at the dinner table.

For Independence Day, my parents would pack us up into our Ford Fairlane and off we would go zipping down to Cape Cod. For one glorious weekend we did what all other American families did. Our lunches at the beach consisted of what to us was a super exotic delicacy – hot dogs! At night the trusty Fairlane would transport us to that uniquely American venue, the drive-in theater.

Whenever I think back on those July 4th weekends, I can’t help but feel immense gratitude – to my parents for the endless sacrifices they made so that my sister and I would have every opportunity possible and to this great country that has been so good and bountiful to all of us.

Happy Independence Day everyone and God Bless America!

A thousand things…

“Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking.”
~Chinese proverb

To be adored…

Who wouldn’t love to be made to feel this way?

A Grand Gesture

Gentlemen, if you’re out there reading this, never underestimate the power of a grand gesture!

Make it personal

You’re gathering all of your friends and family and putting on what may be one of the biggest productions of your life. Why not make it personal and fun?

A whimsical sense of humor and love of travel are a huge part of what this couple is about. The color red (one of my favorites by the way) popped up everywhere from giant balloons to adorable “cootie catchers” containing questions like: Who said ‘I love you’ first and where did the first date take place?

No traditional guest book made an appearance here, instead guests were asked to write their well wishes on travel stickers which were then adhered to a vintage suitcase. Nearby, a map marked all of the destinations the happy couple had traveled to with tiny red hearts.

Little touches like these not only speak volumes about who you are as a couple but they make your guests really feel like they are active participants in your special day. So don’t be afraid to stray from tradition and have some fun. Most of all, make it personal!

Let it wash over you…

Love, laughter, tears, hugs…swirling all around…let it all wash over you.

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