I’m using this blog post to officially declare Independence Day my favorite holiday!
I’ve tried to love Thanksgiving (too much time spent in a hot kitchen) or Christmas (too much worrying about buying the right presents) and New Year’s is actually the only holiday I fervently dislike. The 4th of July however is completely perfect.
Think about it, it’s the only major holiday where shorts and flip flops are entirely appropriate. Try showing up for Easter mass or Mother’s Day brunch in that get-up and you’ll see what I mean. It occurs when most of the country has perfect weather and the only cooking required is throwing some burgers on the grill and mixing up some margaritas. Plus, you can’t beat a fireworks show for entertainment value!
On top of all that, the day honors a country that I adore and that has been so good to me and my family. So with my official declaration in hand, I hope you too have a wonderful Independence Day!

Every two years, Amy and Andrew have us meet up with them, their children and her parents in San Diego for a family photo session. Larry and I so look forward to not only getting to spend time with one of our favorite couples but to also see the changes in their adorable kids, Ainsley and Willem.

“I live in two unique worlds, traveling between both with just the opening or closing of my eyes.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich

Isn’t this centerpiece utterly stunning? Luna of Arrangements Floral and Party Design does the most exquisite work!

I know you expect to see photos and stories about our clients on our blog but on this special day, I wanted to put the spotlight on my own mother.
My sister Al and I like to joke around that our mother is part witch. Her ability to predict events and people’s behavior is uncanny. She says her “supernatural” knowledge comes from nothing more mysterious than being old and having lived for so long. We know that of course her experience counts for a lot, but it’s her unfailing wisdom and intelligence that stupefy us time and again. It’s so comforting to know that if we need advice or guidance, she without fail, will always guide us down the right path.
Besides being the smartest person in the room, she is always the funniest. She brings laughter and joy everywhere she goes. Her sense of humor is only overshadowed by her loyalty and kindness.
To say that I’m lucky to have her for a mother is such an understatement. Even though an entire continent divides us, I feel her unwavering love and support all around me every day.

You may not know this about me, but one of my first paid gigs out of photo school was testing new models for various modeling agencies in Los Angeles. This was in the mid-nineties when, in my opinion, fashion photography was at its very best and most inspiring. Photographers like Herb Ritts, Patrick Demarchelier and Ellen Von Unwerth were photographing the original “Super Models” like Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista and Christie Turlington. The covers of Harper’s Bazzar were worthy of framing – each photo spread more gorgeous than the next. More than anything, I wanted to be a part of that world.
At every opportunity I would set out with my favorite makeup artist, a model, an armful of clothes that I had styled for the shoot, my cameras and a few rolls of Kodachrome. With the hubris of youth, we would wander into abandoned warehouses in some pretty seedy parts of town looking for the best light and backgrounds. Looking back, it’s a miracle we were never mugged or worse!
I got to relive those days with this fashion shoot. In fact, our little team once again consisted of a great hair & makeup artist, Brittany Chodor, our beautiful model Gwynneth and me styling the wardrobe. It was just like the old days, except this time Larry was on hand to assist and we were never in danger of being accosted by vagrants.
Gwynneth is at the very beginning of her modeling career. In fact, this was her very first session and I can’t tell you how impressed I was with her. She managed to embody so many different personas and looks, was very responsive to direction and really put herself out there. She is off to a great start! Gwynneth, you’d better not forget about me when your star rises!

Just wanted to share a little sneak peek into tomorrow’s post featuring Gwynneth’s fashion shoot.