Emily and Nate’s engagement session was especially fun for us to photograph. We had the three key ingredients that make a successful shoot. They are: a great location (check!) pretty light (check!) and a fun, adorable couple (check and check!!)
We were originally going to do the shoot in another location but at the last minute decided to explore the Venice Canals. I had been hearing a lot about the Canals recently and could not believe that in all my years of living in Los Angeles, I had never visited them before. Wow! What a beautiful place. I called Emily right away to see if they would mind changing our location. She and Nate instantly agreed and said that they would be on the way after a quick caffeine dose. As soon as we all met at a corner just off of Washington Boulevard I knew it was going to be a fun shoot. Emily hired us sight unseen over the telephone so I was expecting there to be some initial moments of shyness. Instead, they instantly treated Larry and me as warmly as if we were old, fast friends.
The icing on this very sweet cake was the playful, fun way Emily and Nate related to each other. Photographing them was so easy! All we had to do was ask them to stand where the light was nice and they would take it from there.
Emily and Nate, I hope you had as much fun during this sitting as we did.

Sorry I’ve been so bad about blogging lately. Larry and I got back from a sensational trip to Barcelona a couple of weeks ago and have been bombarded with work since we’ve been back.
I’m in the process of organizing the photos we took on our trip and have lots of great images from recent weddings to share with you, so please check back soon.
In the meantime, I hope you have a beautiful day!

I love photographing engagement sessions. I especially love them when our subjects have great chemistry like Anita and Mark clearly do. This sitting was especially fun because not only did we have a fabulously gorgeous couple to work with, but we also got to photograph Mark’s three wonderful children.
We are so looking forward to Anita and Mark’s wedding in a few weeks. The entire family was so gracious and generous with their time on this shoot. Larry and I can’t wait to continue documenting this warm, lovely clan.
Thanks Julie of Pryor Events for bringing us all together. As usual, you introduce us to the coolest couples!
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“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
~ Wayne Dyer

Every year since they’ve been wed, Daisy and Matt have commissioned us to photograph them on their anniversary. Larry and I so look forward to these yearly sittings. Not only are we ensured of adding beautiful images to our portfolio but we also get to hang out with two of the coolest people we know. This year was especially great because in addition to having the fabulously gorgeous Greystone Mansion all to ourselves, they brought along the newest member of the family, Ghost.
Daisy and Matt, we are so grateful for your friendship and continued support. You guys mean the world to us! Hope this year of marriage is truly blissful.
If you’d like to see photos of Ghost when he was a puppy, and let’s be serious, who wouldn’t want to see that? Click here.

I’m in the middle of editing photographs from a session we just photographed at the fabulous Greystone Mansion and just had to share one of my favorite images so far. I’ll be uploading lots more of this anniversary sitting in the next couple of days, so please check back.

Meet Ethan. Larry and I found out a lot of interesting things about him in our portrait session last week.

Apparently, he is just the right size and shape for passing from one loving pair of arms to another.

His chubby feet are immensely kissable!

We weren’t sure if he would be happy posing au natural…

Turns out… he’s cool with it.

But the most important thing we found out about Ethan is that his favorite spot in the whole house to hang out in, is right on top of Mom!
Craving more cuteness? Then you might like to take a look at these posts.
Spears Family